Introducing Dead Code

by Jared Norman
published March 12, 2024

It was only a matter of time before the disease that gets everyone in my demographic got me too. I’ve started a podcast. I know, I know, but the software industry needs me. I couldn’t help myself.

One team’s best practices are another’s anti-patterns. The TDD debate continues with no end in sight. Agile might be dead, but it might still be alive and well, just divorced from its name. Computer science academia is totally disconnected from software development, and bootcamps have tried to improve on that by, uh, exploiting market conditions or something.

That’s where Dead Code comes in. Through conversations with people across the software world, we’re going hunting for our industry’s best ideas. When we find them, we’ll try to figure how we can apply them ourselves, on our teams, in our organizations, and to the industry itself. Better things must be possible.

If that sounds like a good time to you, head to to subscribe. There’s already a preview episode in the feed and our first interview is coming soon. If you know someone who I should interview on the podcast, shoot me a message.

Now go delete some Dead Code.