The Rubby Game v0.1I just finished playing the first iteration of a board game I created about building Ruby on Rails applications. It was actually kind of fun!July 18, 2024
System tests haven't failedWhat's with all the buzz about system tests in the Ruby on Rails community right now?June 18, 2024
Don’t assert return typesHave you ever seen a test in Ruby (or any dynamic language) that tested the type of a method? I’ve always hated those tests, but never really explored why.January 09, 2024
TDD on the Shoulders of GiantsWhat do we Rubyists stand to learn from Nat Pryce and Steve Freeman's Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by tests? I break down what my team learned from the book about how to make writing tests a more valuable exercise.December 18, 2023
Doing TCR without the RI recently simplified the workflow where I'm using git as my test-runner, essentially doing TCR without the R.July 16, 2023
Here are my TDD on the Shoulders of Giants talk slidesRubyConf Mini is over and my talk went well. Once the videos are posted, I'll do a quick write up about the talk, but for now here are the slides.November 19, 2022
What I learned from 5 days of solving Advent of Code problems using TCR in RubyI used test && commit || revert to do the first 5 days of this year's Advent of Code. Here's what I learned along the way.December 05, 2020